Friday, August 10, 2012

52 on Friday: Week 32

Week 32: Broken

This is Bird.  Conner has loved this bird for most of his life.  You can see his love scars.  When Conner was 2 my sister's dog chewed the three little hairs off of Bird's head.  Conner brought Bird to me with tears in his eyes and said, "Bird is broken!".  It broke my heart to see him so sad about his friend, so Bird got a 'new haircut', as Mommy transplanted hair from another stuffed animal onto Bird's head.  Since then, Bird has been lost in the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago, where I backtracked nearly a mile to try and find him (only to realize he was right where I started looking). He's been left at Walgreens, where I frantically tore the store apart until we found him (sitting among the stuffed dog toys).  And most recently Bird received a lateral abdominal incision as Conner learned to cut with scissors.  Most nights Bird sleeps wrapped tightly in Conner's arms, although Conner will go to sleep without him (finally...).  I swear, this little bird is so much a part of our family, I can't imagine him not being with us.  And, as Conner prepares for starting Kindergarten in a week, I can't help but enjoy him being little for a little while longer while he totes Bird around.  I know he'll grow up soon enough, and won't need to carry his broken little buddy with him everywhere he goes. 


I hope you have a great weekend.  Take a minute to stop by Annessa's blog to see her broken post.


Maggie said...

I just love this, Erin!

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