Friday, March 16, 2012

52 on Friday: Week 11

Week 11: Irish
Obviously... I'm a photographer.  I LOVE pictures.  I LOVE history.  I LOVE memories.  This week's theme is Irish, since tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day.  Growing up this holiday was celebrated with Corned Beef, Cabbage, and Boiled Potatoes.  The house was decorated in green shamrocks, and my Dad wore one of his plaid Irish caps.  I am Irish- both sides- My maiden name is Culhane and my Mom is a McDonald.  My name means Ireland, or from Ireland.   My Mom and Dad always celebrated their Irish heritage, I had many Irish shirts, and like I said, Dad had several plaid caps.  I love knowing some of my family's history, and I am thrilled to have these pictures to share with my kids.  So, here is my image for this week- a mini Family Tree. 

Hannah is holding a picture of My Dad in the arms of his Dad, with his Mom and Sister, taken 1936.  Aiden is holding a picture of my Mom's Dad, taken around 1930.  Conner has my Mom and Dad.  I am so thankful for these pictures!!!

This is a photo of my Great Grandfather Michael Culhane, he was born in Ireland and came to America to start a family. 

I hope that you will wear your green tomorrow, just not green socks! (you never walk on the green! :) ) 

Don't forget to make the circle and see what everyone else came up with for Irish!  Start here with Jon Yoder. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!


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